716 comments were counted
Input came from multiple sources and multiple locations
A "Freedom of Information Act" was requested to acquire all database materials and emails related to the 24th October meeting results.
It is our observation that city officials manipulated the data and were deceptive about how they made the decision to chose a path where clearly NO-PATH was the unanimous choice.
The commissioners approved spending almost $1,000,000.00 (TAX DOLLARS) for plans on a road they DO NOT OWN , FDOT owns the road.

Charts above shows 716 inputs the city counted in the PDF available to the public.
Charts above shows where inputs came from i.e. mailed in, Facebook, etc.. Note some people commented twice however their input was only counted once.
Sequence of events and decisions.
02 October: PreserveBeachDrive.com, in representing the community, sent all commissioners and the Mayor an email with petitions attached stating 348 people were against the multi-use path (Artifact "A" below).
24 October: At the City Commissioner meeting Mayor Rohan asked Jerad Jones about a 5th table with a "NO PATH" option. Jerad stated an "Other" option would be on the card and would be considered and people could write in no path if they desired. See link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VeYy3xytcc and watch from 51 - 52 minutes mark.
24 October: AT NO TIME during the 24th meeting or any date leading up to 03 November was the public notified that "Face Book" was an option to glean from and use as official input to the overall path decision (Artifact "C" below).
02 November: Commissioner Haligas' submitted via email 178 Face Book emoji inputs citing Face book (Heart) and Face Book (Mad Face) (Artifact "B" below). These emoji elements were added to the overall total (See chart above). This evolution was solely orchestrated internally by city officials.
UPDATE 13MAR2024: Emails obtained about the path revealed communication about using "FACEBOOK " input started on 02 NOV by the Beach Drive project lead, company awarded the design contract and their media group and Commissioner Haligas regarding emoji's to add to the comment count as seen below in Artifact B. Note the only data found about this communication was on 02 November, the day before the comment submission Deadline. Who had the complete list of all comment results prior to NOV 02? Not the public. Imagine that....
03 November: Deadline for all comments (Artifact "C" below).
06 November: The city added people to the overall 716 comments on 06 November, AFTER the deadline of 03 November (Artifact "D" below).
06 November: PreserveBeachDrive.com, in representing the community, sent all commissioners and the Mayor an email with petitions attached stating 1300 people were against the multi-use path (Artifact "E" below). Why was our preservebeachdrive.com neighbors input not considered or added yet the commissioners allowed input from 06 November; AFTER the City identified deadline?
NOTE: The Commissions allowed input from FACEBOOK and input from the online web comment form AFTER the cutoff however DID NOT ALLOW us to represent our Beach Drive supporters by adding your input.
Jenna Haligas is the Beach Drive Ward Commissioner, the same commissioner that submitted FaceBook heart and mad face email on 2 NOV.
Is the above fair to all citizens? Are the commissioners performing their duty as elected officials and representing their Wards voters fairly?
Artifact "A"
Artifact "B"
Artifact "C"
Artifact "D"
Artifact "E"

Brought to you and paid for by:
Beach Drive Preservation Foundation Inc.,
1118 W. Beach Drive, Panama City, Fl. 32401
Contact us at: comments@preservebeachdrive.com