Our team will notify our supporters via the provide email when a major milestone in the Path project occurs; good or other

After filling in the petition fields and clicking on the "SUBMIT" button you are agreeing to join with Beach Drive Preservation Inc. in petitioning the Panama City Commission to cease its pursuit of the proposed “Multi-Use Path” construction project on the south side of West Beach Drive. You do not support the removal of existing trees, sea oats and vegetation to build this path, nor do you support any attempt by the City to force homeowners to possibly relinquish their property rights for this redundant path, paving over the beach and destroying fragile habitats! You further do not support the proposed expenditure of $1-2 million dollars in City funds, plus $8 million dollars in State funds, for this destructive project. You are asking the City listen to the majority and vote "NO", "DO NOT PROCEED" with this project. Our group will share the petition signatures and comments with these elected officials until they stop this project! We are one voice, one community. Sign the Petition today!

Don't stop with our petition! Email or call your Commissioner and share your concerns directly! Ensure your voice is heard!

Commissioner Ward locations are found at: https://www.newsherald.com/gcdn/presto/2022/12/13/NTNH/99c0988e-2d93-4cb8-b9b8-5ffb5a71e32f-IMG_6328.jpg?width=660&height=429&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp

Mayor Michael Rohan is on our side and believes the sidewalk is wasteful and destructive to our shoreline. Let him know what a great job he is doing for our city and its citizens!

Commissioner Ward 1; Jenna Flint Haligas, jhaligas@panamacity.gov; (850) 872-3002

Commissioner Ward 2; Janice Lucas, jlucas@panamacity.gov; (850) 872-3002

Commissioner Ward 3; Brian Grainger, bgrainger@panamacity.gov; (850) 872-3002

Commissioner Ward 4; Josh Street, jstreet@panamacity.gov; 850-872-3002

Other City Officials:

Brandy Waldron, Interim City Manager; bwaldron@panamacity.gov; (850) 872-3010

Jared Jones, Asst City Manager (Operations); jjones@panamacity.gov; (850) 872-3010

Jonathan Hayes, Public Works Dir; jhayes@panamacity.gov; (850) 872-3010