The "Multi-use Path" WILL COST MORE short and long term than city officials are telling the public! Artifacts provided below the text.
Chevron documented if fuel trucks are re-routed from Beach Drive there is a financial impact to the company. Does this mean that cost incurred by Chevron is transferred to all Panama City residents?
IF Chevron trucks are rerouted the city MUST modify the new route to support the tandem fuel trucks (WITH CITY TAX PAYER FUNDS) (Artifact 2) - it's public record; ask for it.
If Chevron, at some point, moves their facility off Beach Drive based on the impact on them from Beach Drives redesign impeding commerce, it will cost EVERYONE in panama city at the fuel pump per gallon - Ask you city official about this fact in the Chevron report on impacts.
Cost to local merchants for re-routed supply trucks currently using Beach Drive.
Public works unknow cost and not budgeting for 1.5 miles of assets (120+ signs, pagoda and benches, bike repair posts, road maintenance, electrical cost for additional lights, street markings, trash removal).
Cost for additional police to patrol the new location if foot traffic increases.
Cost for maintenance and upkeep of the 1.5 miles of Beach Drive (cleaning, repair, replacement) payment planned for "dieting" at 10 foot per lane IF FDOT transfers ownership of the road to the city.
ZERO FEMA funds will be available to the city if a tornado damages any part Beach Drive if FDOT transfers the road responsibility to Panama City.
Cost for moving any trees remove to be replanted elsewhere in the city.
240 Trees WILL be destroyed/removed (Artifact 1) with less than 10% replanted. There are just over 300 on Beach Drive today.
Removal of a current tree barrier to buffer yearly hurricane possible inflicting damage on home of our neighbors on Beach Drive.
Safety Impacts
Chevron indicated there are several safety issue for fuel truck drivers if fuel trucks are routed down streets with railroads crossings and schools.
Emergency vehicles reduced response time due to 10 foot lanes with traffic present. Will this cost someone their LIFE?
Risk related to removal of the natural tree hurricane barrier. No trees allows high winds to project debris into homes.
Excessive crosswalks on a road currently experiences 12,000 vehicles traveling on it per day will introduce new, not currently present, safety hazards for families and induce accidents.
Other Impacts
ZERO upkeep for the current four foot sidewalk on the North side of Beach Drive (abandoned for years).
Reduce access to the down town marina for boating enthusiasts with large boats.
Increased Traffic in other areas of town which increases personal travel time on the road.
Extremely limited parking (Paid parking is coming) at Beach Drive. Parking will occur on side streets and back street in front of private homes possibly blocking driveways, parking on private lawns, interfering with emergency vehicles, etc.
Artifacts (Links with Documents)
Arborist Report Beach Drive
Commerce Impacts (Business Owner)
Chevron Impacts
Current City Project Path Cost ($8M)
Current Tax Dollars Spent on the Path
Brought to you by:
Beach Drive Preservation Inc.,
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