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There will be a referendum in the upcoming election about Beach Drive. WHY?
The state DID NOT GIFT “Beach Drive”, a state -owned road, to Panama City, its commissioners nor the city manager to destroy. The city spent over $1,000,000 dollars of STATE TAX MONEY for beach drive plans that CANNOT BE USE. $1,000,000+ dollars gone. This cost includes legal research and permits. WASTEFULL SPENDING ON A WISH FOR OWNING A ROAD.
Opposition from a majority of the citizens to STOP the destruction of the entire eco system on the south side of Beach Drive, maintain safety and continue commerce status quo WITHOUT increasing their cost to operate.
Supporters of beach drive said stop, commissioners did not listen and now this referendum is a play on words to “save face” for a failed project that was never wanted by a majority of the voters yet approved by the commissioners to build it before doing their due diligence on the cost and long-term effects.
PLEASE read the verbiage of the item on the ballot and think about its purpose, truth and reason WHY it was not on the ballot before the $1,000,000 was spend. Preservebeachdrive.com team and the Mayor asked for this to be on the ballot and the commissioners voted NOT. Watch the commission meeting videos for proof.
We encourage our community to read into the details, purpose , make your own decision to vote NO PATH today or tomorrow.

Brought to you by:
Beach Drive Preservation Inc.,
Contact us at: comments@preservebeachdrive.com